Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Concept Vehicle - Ferrari F430

The challenging part of this workflow was switching between working high and low ploy (pre and post turbo smooth). I would constantly switch between the two to see how my edge modeling and placement of poly's would affect it which proved to be the most time consuming. This was a quick screenshot of a work in progress. About 40 hours into the project.

My first render. Just a turn in to show that I was doing something. The lighting ended up being pretty simple. Just a skylight and had the multiplier set a bit lower than the standard amount. Got some pretty decent highlights. The lack of any brand to detail sticks out obviously, not to mention the windshield and hood don't align properly or at all.

I ended up keeping the skylight in my scene as my main light source. But to give the car material I made some specular highlights I added various omni lights and simply turned off the diffuse effect so that the lights only affected the specular characteristic of the material. I ended up with some with some pretty nice results because of this.
Beauty Shot. I adjusted the levels a bit and added a photo filter to give off a certain warmness to the picture.  To avoid copyright issues I made the logo via the pen tool in Photoshop and used embedded the logo with the help of Illustrator . All in all a pretty good learning experience in edge modeling.

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